Associação Chinesa do Brasil: Brazil should work with other BRICS countries toward a multipolar world
2023-04-15 22:17:07 来源:羊城派
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is currently on a state visit to China from April 12th to 15th. During an interview with Xinhua News Agency, President Lula stated that \"Brazil-China relations are of great importance to both countries and the world.\"
What positive impacts will Lula"s visit have on the relationship between the two countries? Yangcheng Evening News interviewed Jiang Youyang, the Secretary-General of the Associação Chinesa do Brasil who is accompanying President Lula on his visit to China.
Brazil and China are the largest developing countries in the Western and Eastern hemispheres, respectively. They are also members of the BRICS countries, and both have promising prospects for development. During President Lula"s visit to China, economic and trade exchanges are a significant topic of discussion. \"China is Brazil"s largest trading partner. Since President Lula"s government took office, Brazil has been promoting its reindustrialization. In this process, Brazil needs a lot of investment from Chinese companies. Therefore, this is a significant opportunity for Chinese companies,\" said Jiang Youyang. \"In January of this year, the Guangdong Investment and Business Environment Promotion Conference in Brazil was held in São Paulo, Brazil. In addition, Guangdong Province and São Paulo State shares the tie of friendship, which means that cooperation in various fields between the two sides is deepening and expanding. I am very optimistic about trade and development between Guangdong and Brazil.\"
Earlier this year, Brazil announced an agreement with China to settle trade in local currencies. Regarding this, Jiang Youyang pointed out that a significant advantage of local currency transactions is the reduction in transaction costs. This means that there is no need for a country to purchase US dollars first and then exchange them for the other country"s currency during the transaction process. This is especially beneficial for bulk trades because the cost reduction will be substantial. Besides, \"with local currency settlement, both sides can increase mutual trust and ensure the security of investment.\"
In addition to economic and trade exchanges, cultural exchanges between China and Brazil are also increasing. Jiang Youyang operates a restaurant in Brazil and many of his customers are Chinese-speaking Brazilians. Although he also speaks Portuguese, communication with Brazilians in Chinese makes him feel more at home. \"Brazil"s investment in the education sector is relatively weak, which offers an opportunity for China. Currently, there are some Chinese schools and several Confucius Institutes in Brazil, and many Brazilian students are learning Chinese there. Increasing educational exchanges between China and Brazil is essential.\" Jiang Youyang believed that through cultural exchanges, mutual trust between the two peoples can be further increased, and people-to-people exchanges will also further promote mutual trust between the two countries.
On April 15th, the Canton Fair will resume its offline exhibitions. Although Jiang Youyang has not yet attended it, many of his Brazilian friends will come to attend. In addition to the Canton Fair, the GBA is attracting the attention of countries around the world, including Brazil. \"Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country, and the Macao Special Administrative Region in the GBA is home to many Portuguese-speaking Chinese. They are severely needed in the trade between China and Brazil. I believe that the GBA will play an increasingly important role in China-Brazilian exchanges,\" said Jiang Youyang.
\"Overall, Brazil is one of the most important countries in South America and a member of BRICS. In the process of Brazil"s industrialization, China will become an important provider of solutions,\" said Jiang Youyang. \"During his visit to China, President Lula came with a very sincere attitude. I hope that Brazil can unite with other BRICS countries to face the internationally challenges together and work toward a multipolar world.\"
文字 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 孙唯翻译 | 刘佳慧
来源 | 羊城晚报•羊城派
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 桂晴
Associação Chinesa do Brasil: Brazil should work with other BRICS countries toward a multipolar world
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